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April – June 2023 News Roundup

11:03 am, Tuesday, 4th July 2023 - 1 year ago

The three-month period of April to June saw a lot of positive news and announcements for major projects proposed in North East Lincolnshire. Renewable energy projects both onshore and offshore saw positive progression steps taken alongside announcements within the seafood manufacturing sector, a sector synonymous with our region.

In the town centre of Grimsby, an exciting project to inspire and educate the workforce of tomorrow was given the green light.

The Biggest Offshore Wind ‘Living Lab’ in the World

The biggest offshore wind ‘living lab’ in the world will be created off the Grimsby coast through the development of a 5G Testbed that includes Grimsby Port and the Lynn and Inner Dowsing wind farm.

The £2.8m project will accelerate the development of a new generation of digital technologies essential for the huge expansion of offshore wind generation required to meet climate targets. It is being driven by a consortium led by the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult and bringing together the expertise of Microsoft, Vilicom, JET Connectivity, XceCo, Associated British Ports (ABP), Accelleran, and Satellite Applications Catapult.

Ben George, head of Smart Operations and Maintenance (O&M) at ORE Catapult, said:

“This 5G Testbed is a hugely exciting development for O&M in offshore renewable energy, as it establishes the core communications infrastructure for the biggest offshore wind ‘living lab’ in the world. The Testbed will demonstrate the benefits of new remote digital solutions that require high bandwidth, low latency wireless communications – aimed at making O&M safer, greener, and more effective.

It will provide a real-world development, demonstration, and test zone for robotics and autonomous systems (RAS), remote sensors, wearable technology, cyber security, zero-emission vessels, smart ports, and aquaculture that will drive the digital future of O&M. This gives UK innovators and technology developers the upper hand as they bring new products and services to market, including for export into an offshore wind sector that is booming around the world.

We are delighted to be working with our group of expert partners as we seek to transform the Humber into a new ‘silicon estuary’.”

Shriraj Gaglani, VP of Product Management at Microsoft, added:

“Modern Connected Applications enabled by edge infrastructure and private 5G are going to drive higher efficiencies and more sustainable operations of our global energy resources. We look forward to being a part of this project and partnering with innovative companies in the areas of robotics, AI, and IoT to build new Industry 4.0 use cases.”

£5M Plant with Potential to Produce Waste Food-Based Coal

The build-out of a £5 million industrial process plant that could prove technology to help clean up steel and other heavy industry is underway at Port of Immingham.

As reported on Business Live, CPL Industries is investing after securing a significant grant from the government’s Net Zero Innovation Portfolio to ramp up research and development in turning food waste into biochar, a high-carbon material that if processed further could be used as a coal replacement.

Patrick Riley, head of projects at CPL, said:

“The technology and the way we use it for this process means we can use it on other biomass streams, which will produce a high carbon content product that we can use as a coal replacement.

CPL is very big in coal briquettes, but replacing coal with biomass allows us to create industrial fuels for the likes of steel manufacturers, currently using coal. We can offer an e-coke alternative.

It is part of a longer journey and this grant and this project will allow us to understand how we take this forward, both in this country and globally.”

Green Jet Fuel Plant Hits Project Funding Milestone

The company behind the development of the proposed green jet fuel refinery on the South Humber Bank has hit a key funding milestone.

Velocys has completed the work required to draw down the first tranche of a £27 million grant awarded from the Department for Transport’s Advanced Fuel Funds.

This paves the way for the completion of the front-end engineering and design stage. Should a positive final investment decision follow, construction of the consented £350 million Stallingborough plant is anticipated to start in 2025, with full commercial operation in 2028.

£75M Onshore Salmon Farm Plan

Plans for a £75 million 50-tank salmon farm were put to the public as Grimsby’s seafood industry looks towards a highly sustainable sourcing solution.

Developers behind what could be the first onshore salmon farm in England presented their plans, addressing community concerns. The 40,000 sq m development is seen as presenting the town with the opportunity to process local fish at scale for the first time in decades, creating 100 jobs,

Mike Berthet, Acquacultured director said:

“If we get planning permission for this it is going to be a game-changer for the town. It would be unique, the first one in England to have a recirculating aquaculture system, to supply salmon into the town”

Immingham Green Energy Terminal Second Consultation

More than 1,000 jobs are being eyed and a £4 billion boost to the UK economy is estimated as one of the biggest maritime and industrial developments on the Humber is entering its second round of public consultation.

Immingham Green Energy Terminal, set to deliver port-centric hydrogen production and carbon imports in a partnership between ABP and Air Products, is taking a further step on the consenting journey.

Located on the eastern wing of Port of Immingham, the proposed development includes a new jetty with up to two berths and the infrastructure to handle bulk liquids as well as two substantial production sites.

An application for a development consent order is to be made to the Secretary of State, via the Planning Inspectorate, later this summer.

Green Energy Education and Inspiration Hub

Planning permission has been granted for Projekt Renewable, the green energy exploratorium which is set to showcase the area’s new economic tale to the next generation.

Backing the ambitious plan to inspire, educate and entertain are Myenergi, RWE Renewables UK, North East Lincolnshire Council, and seabed steward The Crown Estate – responsible for the leasing of the ‘prime real estate’ off the region’s coastline, which has brought the concentration of offshore wind to the town.

Projekt’s director, Richard Askam, said:

“It’s taken two years of hard work to get to this stage and now, over the next weeks, we’ll bring phase one of Projekt Renewable to life. Designed to allow everyone to see and hear the opportunity that already exists in our area but is still largely hidden. It’s time to write the next chapter in Grimsby’s history, and that is as a world leader in renewable energy.”